Address: 13233 Executive Park Terrace Germantown, MD, 20874 | Phone Number: 301-327-3400

Back Pain and Sciatica

Back Pain and Sciatica

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Discover Long-Term Relief for Back Pain and Sciatica with Physical therapy in Germantown

You Don’t Have to Live with Persistent Pain!

Back pain is the most commonly reported pain in the United States, according to the American Physical Therapy Association. One in every four Americans has experienced Back Pain and Sciatica in the last three months.

Do you ever wake up with your lower-back feeling stiff, sore or achy, then finding it feels better after you move around for 30minutes to an hour or after taking a hot shower…? Does it stiffen up again if you are sitting or standing still too long…? Does that ache come back in the evening when you are trying to relax and rest from your day…?

Or, does your back hurt more the more you use it…?

Does your back pain increase with coughing/sneezing…? Do you have any pain that travels down your leg…? Does bending forward or backward increase your pain..?

There are many different reasons for back pain, and understanding the “why” behind the “what” is our specialty.

Our Germantown, MD, VA physical therapists at OMT Specialists will get to the bottom of the pain you are experiencing, so they can help you provide long-term relief. In many cases, our treatments may even eliminate the need for potentially harmful painkillers like opioids, or invasive surgical procedures.

Call us today to schedule an appointment, so you can begin to find effective and lasting relief!

I've suffered with chronic lower back pain for the last 20 plus years with little to no real relief despite numerous attempts to find a solution. Dr. Cooper really took his time during my appointment and was extremely thorough in his exam and treatment.

-- Sarah M.

Dr. Logan Cooper is the most gifted, creative and effective physical therapist I've ever worked with (and I've worked with quite a few). He seems to have a bottomless toolkit and carefully observes and refines his advice at every visit. I saw him once, in person, a few years ago (I live in upstate NY) and that one visit was very helpful.

-- Kathryn M.

How can I find relief with physical therapy treatments?

While sciatica, degenerative disc disease or any of the other potential causes of low-back pain are, well, painful, they can be successfully treated with physical therapy. Based on your diagnosis and what your therapist uncovers from your initial evaluation, our Germantown, MD, VA physical therapists will create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Back pain can come and go, but it is critical to treat it as soon as you notice it! If not, it may result in you developing poor/faulty ways of moving that put extra stress on other parts of your body and eventually those areas may hurt from doing too much.

To fully treat your condition and make sure it does not return, we believe in “3-Rs”:



this is what we do with our manual therapy techniques. We get things moving that have not been moving and help you stabilize things that have been moving too much.



this is what you do with your home exercise program that your Physical Therapist will customize for you. Without this, what was RESET in the clinic will default back to what it was doing and we will have to do the same thing over and over again…



this is the phase where we get your body moving in functional ways that matter to you based on your goals and what you need/want to do in the best, most efficient way possible.



this is what we do with our manual therapy techniques. We get things moving that have not been moving and help you stabilize things that have been moving too much.



this is what you do with your home exercise program that your Physical Therapist will customize for you. Without this, what was RESET in the clinic will default back to what it was doing and we will have to do the same thing over and over again…



this is the phase where we get your body moving in functional ways that matter to you based on your goals and what you need/want to do in the best, most efficient way possible.

Ready to begin PT treatments?

Do you have any of the aforementioned back pain or sciatica symptoms? If so, you can get help from OMT Specialists right away. Our Germantown, MD, VA physical therapists are eager to assist you in getting back on your feet!

Please call us or click here to request your appointment.


Download the free
10 Tips To Ease Back Pain E-book now !

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13233 Executive Park Terrace

Germantown, MD. 20874

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Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

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13233 Executive Park Terrace, Germantown, MD 20874, USA

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13233 Executive Park Terrace

Germantown, MD. 20874

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Assistance Hours

By Appointment Only

Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

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Fax Number:

13233 Executive Park Terrace, Germantown, MD 20874, USA

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